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John Kippen

Empowerment Coach

Resilience Coach

Leadership Coach

Magic Coach

"Being different is your superpower - A crucial step in building resilience"

"Feed Your Heart With Your Art"

  4. MAGIC

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About John Kippen

John Kippen is a motivational speaker, professional magician, a CEO and leader of a multi-million dollar grossing bi-coastal I.T. support company as well as a certified Resilience and Empowerment Coach. John’s 12 + year journey of recovering from the trauma of having his face paralyzed after an Acoustic Neuroma brain tumor removal surgery, has allowed him to triumph over adversity. John uses the stories and lessons from his journey to inspire audiences in his speaking and magic performances. Many clients can be heard saying, "If John can do it, so can I!”

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Resilience and Empowerment Coaching

In a world saturated with life coaches who offer cookie-cutter advice and surface-level strategies, John Kippen emerges as a beacon of innovation and authenticity in the personal development landscape. With his unique focus on resilience and empowerment, Kippen not only helps individuals overcome adversity, but also equips them to thrive amidst life's challenges. His coaching philosophy, based on principles of deep transformation, provides a refreshing alternative to the traditional life coaching practice. Through his empathetic and effective work, Kippen has carved out a niche that resonates with those seeking meaningful growth and fulfillment.

Resilience coaching is a welcome departure from traditional life coaching. It acknowledges that life is unpredictable, and adversity is a part of the journey. Unlike other conventional approaches, resilience coaching emphasizes arming people with tools and the right mindset to overcome challenges and come out stronger. Kippen is at the forefront of this emerging field. He emphasizes the dual development of emotional resilience and personal empowerment, helping clients face difficulties head-on while transforming setbacks into opportunities for growth. His approach not only addresses immediate challenges, but also instills lifelong skills that foster enduring strength and self-confidence.

Kippen's approach is distinctive. It focuses on deep, transformative change, instead of superficial fixes. He actively helps clients unearth the root causes of their issues. By dealing with core beliefs, values, and behaviors, he empowers them to develop lasting personal growth.

His key pillars of coaching are:
► Loving ourselves, developing self-compassion, and accepting the imperfections of being human.
► Taking risks, moving out of our comfort zones to grow and take advantage of opportunities.
► Dreaming and finding magic in the world, inspiring us to rediscover and pursue our dreams with cheer and tenacity.
► Making meaningful connections, establishing real relationships, being present and actively listening.
► Building community, forging a personal network of support that buttresses resilience and empowerment.

As a professional magician, John has worked with some of the best in the business, including the legendary Doug Henning and Robert 'Bob' Fitch, who strongly influenced his Coaching style. As a Coach, John uses his creative problem solving skills to develop custom routines with his audiences as metaphors for his messages of overcoming adversity and being different is your superpower. When you work with John, the sessions are not about learning new effects as much as answering the questions “Why did you choose performing Magic as your artform?” and “What do you want to share about yourself through your magic?” John is a firm believer that audiences leave magic performances not remembering the specifics of a trick, but how you made them feel, and what they learn about themselves from his illusions and stories. He works to find his students' life passions and help custom create magic presentations that communicate who they are as human beings.



John, you are an inspiration! You have helped me to accept whatever is thrown my way. - Shannen D.
I just had the most amazing coaching conversation with John Kippen! Thank you, John, for sharing your wisdom. You have touched my heart today in letting me know that people really do care, even those you have never met before. Thank you so very much for your kindness! - Angelina H.
I have been working with John Kippen as a coach for a while now. I love John's passion and ability to help me Share my heart through my art . I love this man! - Edmund A.
You helped guide me through some ways of thinking that have been "stuck" there for a long time and I've gotten to release them, thanks to your guidance! Also, a HUGE thank you for the idea for MAGAN Method Coaching !! That unlocked something inside me that is allowing me to move forward on this path. I will never forget that. - Magan G.
My two experiences with John as a Magic Coach were fantastic. In the first case, I really needed some simple direction - and that's exactly what he gave me. In the second case, I needed to improve one effect and he gave me a quick fix and a longer range approach. John was great to work with in both instances - and provided me exactly with what I needed! - George R.
Every time I talk with John I am inspired to achieve more, help more, go the extra mile for others and be a better person. He has my highest recommendation! - Bill B.
John stayed with me the whole night putting an amazing change in my attitude and life, I was so positive and determined to beat this that the next morning on we fought and beat this terrible disease for the 3rd time, John stayed in touch the whole fight and was, I believe, a little more happy than I was when results said no cancer, gone!! John Kippen I owe you more than you could ever realize, Magic can heal. - Ron C.
How do you define someone who unselfishly provides their unique ability to understand and connect with your personal performance style in just two words? Someone who will influence your magic, enabling an emotional connection that will be remembered by your audiences, not only for your performance but for how you made them feel during your event. I can tell you from personal experience that ultimately allowed me to fulfill my dream of being a featured close-up performer at the Magic Castle; the two words are John Kippen. - James B.

Acoustic Neuroma Support Coaching

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"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
Ralph Waldo Emerson